Conventions & General Credits

I may be a neophyte, but I realize that when undertaking a monumental task, you need to have a plan.  I'll lay out an initial list of "conventions" to keep this project orderly and keep us from getting lost in the notes.  Also, there are just a few general credits that I don't intend to include in every post, but that I'm sure will be used to craft every post, so I'll list them here.


I'm using a physical copy of the NIV/The Message Parallel Bible from Zondervan.

All links to passages will be to the site

Any other resources will be linked and/or cited as they are used.


 I will not be copying/pasting large portions of text - instead I will call attention to passage references and discuss the issues.  Please click the links to read the passages in both The Message and the NIV if you aren't using your own physical copies.

I welcome comments that are constructive and contribute to a lively discussion, but will delete comments with vulgarity or disrespectful discourse.

For the purposes of this study, I will be looking to key in on twelve categories.  I decided this because after just a few chapters of reading, I was getting bogged down in the minor issues that simply bothered me, and that's not the point.  This needs to stay focused on theological points that are core to the effectiveness of the Word. 

The twelve categories are:

1 - Attributes of God/Nature of Christ
2 - Words of Jesus
3 - Gifts of the Spirit/Power of the Spirit
4 - Sin, Sin Nature/Need for Salvation
5 - Repentance, Atonement
6 - Salvation
7 - Christian Living
8 - Relationships
9 - Creation
10 - Promises of God
11 - Other Foundational Doctrines
12 - Word Replacements

Within these categories, I'll rate each discrepancy on a scale of 1 - 5.  This rating is purely at my discretion.  You'll probably disagree with me sometimes, but that's ok.  I'm taking this from a lay-person's perspective and shining a light on the things that should make a more learned person take a deeper look.

The scale (I call it the Damage Scale) will mean the following:

1 - Unneccessary (adding to the Word)
2 - Irrelevant (doesn't stay on topic)
3 - Confusing (jumbles an otherwise simple idea)
4 - Changes Meaning (tweaks or flat out means something other than intended)
5 - Heretical (changes doctrine, no longer a Biblical truth)

I want to reiterate that I am taking this project on as an act of obedience to the Lord.  Until the Spirit made it clear to me that this was on my "To Do" list, I was perfectly content with my cursory word search of The Message that confirmed to me that it was not for me.  I have enough "soapbox" issues, this didn't need to become one of them.  I am not an "angry fundy" or anything - I am just someone who saw a glimpse of God's heart about this issue and am charged to get educated in an intimate way in order to expose a major problem that faces our churches in these important end days.  I know you can find webpages with quick lists of what's "wrong" with The Message, but so far I haven't seen an in-depth walk through it. 

I make no guarantees as to how often I'll post or how consistent I'll be. I am a homeschooling mother of three, wife of a worship director, and author.  I am involved in other Bible studies as well as other responsibilities at church.  Realistically, I hope to post notes about 4-5 chapters a week.

We'll start in the Gospel of John, since that is the book most new believers are directed to begin their journey through the Scriptures.  We'll then go to Romans and examine how The Message treats the traditional "Romans Road" plan of Salvation.  From there I plan to read Genesis, then Proverbs and Acts. 

I hope you take the challenge with me - and during this study commit to not using The Message in public or from the pulpit.  Reserve your right to change your mind about it.


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